Queensland has recorded a staggering road death toll in 2022, with the State Government exploring options to desperately try lower this figure in 2023.

A shocking 299 lives were been lost on Queensland roads last year, which is the worst figure in over a decade.

The State Government has announced a road safety roundtable to be held this month, bringing transport experts, stakeholders, and industry leaders together.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said he wants to improve road safety with the number of lives lost on Queensland roads in 2022 far too high.

“2022 was a tragic year on Queensland roads with 299 lives lost,” Mr Bailey says

“What’s incredibly disappointing is the fact that only a few years ago in 2019, we had the lowest toll since records began, but the pandemic has changed many things, including behaviour on our roads and the number of lives lost has been trending upwards.

“This isn’t a situation that’s unique to Queensland, right across the world we’ve seen a similar trend since the start of the pandemic.


“The roundtable will include the likes of the Queensland Police Service, RACQ, Safer Australian Roads and Highways Group, Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland, and the Department of Transport and Main Roads.”

Police say the “fatal five”, which are speeding, drink driving, fatigue, seat belts and mobile phones, are the major contributors.

Mr Bailey said the roundtable will also be exploring other trends which have contributed to the number of lives lost including motorcycle registrations and extreme weather.

“We saw a huge jump in motorcycle registrations, and sadly, an increase in the number of motorcycle fatalities,”

“In 2019 we had 45 motorcycle deaths, compared to 74 in 2022. In fact, motorcycle deaths in 2022 were 43 per cent above the five-year average.”

The heavy rain and flooding Queensland experienced is another big factor, with 12 lives lost due to driving into floodwaters.


Queensland motorists are urged to do their bit by slowing down, putting the phone away, wearing a seatbelt properly, not getting behind the wheel impaired by drugs or alcohol, and taking a break when they’re tired.


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