The Opposition has slammed the State Government after shocking new figures reveal how long hundreds of Queenslanders are waiting for treatment in hospital.

There have been 6,979 stays in Emergency Departments that lasted more than 24 hours from 1 June to 30 September, according to a Parliamentary Question on Notice by the Opposition.

On the Gold Coast, June was the worst month in this period with 154 people waiting a whole day to be seen in Robina and Gold Coast University Hospital.

However, in September it eased, with that figure dropping to 87 between the two hospitals.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli says the statistics show how bad the health system is in crisis.

“These numbers are a result of the Palaszczuk Government failing to plan and act for nearly eight years,” Mr Crisafulli says.

“The Premier and her Health Minister must start listening to our solutions or more Queenslanders will find themselves waiting more than a day just to find a bed in a ward.


“Queenslanders deserve so much better.”

In June, 1,986 patients waited more than 24 hours in the Emergency Department.

A further 2,068 patients faced the same gruelling wait in July.

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