The Prime Minister has been confronted by a frustrated and angry pensioner during a visit to a local pub in the NSW Hunter region.

The outburst, which was caught on camera, comes just days before Scott Morrison is due to call an election.

In the vision, which has gone viral on social media overnight, the man can be heard slamming the PM about a lack of support for older Australians.

“Listen to me for a change,” the man told Morrison.

“You can have a million-dollar house, $250,000 in the bank and franking credits but a disability pensioner can’t have an income.

“I’ve been fighting for 12 years mate, you treat a disability pensioner that worked all his life … he paid his taxes, now he’s getting taxed ahead.”

The heated confrontation at the tavern on the outskirts of Newcastle continued as the man accused Scott Morrison of breaking election promises.


“This is what you said when you got elected last time, ‘we’re going to help all those people that worked all their lives, paid their taxes and those that have a go, we’ll look after you,” the man said.

“Well, I’ve had a go, mate, I’ve worked all my life and paid my taxes.”

The PM appeared to remain calm as the man finished his tirade with a few choice words before being escorted from the venue.

“You better f*****g do something. I’m sick of your bull****”.



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