Approximately 8.6 people die by suicide in Australia every day, more than double the country’s road toll – it’s a staggering statistic, and one we are being encouraged to remember today on R U OK? Day.

Australians are being urged to check in on family, friends and colleagues today and ask the simple question – “Are you ok?”

R U OK? CEO Katherine Newton said sometimes all it takes is one simple question to change someone’s life.

“It’s important that we recognise that we don’t have to be an expert, we don’t need qualifications to support someone,” Ms Newtown said.

“We’re not there to be their therapist, we’re not there to be their psychologist, but what we can do is be there to listen.

“Often listening and giving someone your time can really show that you genuinely care and can make all the difference”.

According to Lifeline data, suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44 and 75% of those who take their own life are male.


It comes after a new survey revealed 40% of Australians reported that cost-of-living and personal debt is causing them elevated distress compared with this time last year.

“Feeding the family and keeping a roof over our heads are two of the most basic human behaviours,” Suicide Prevention Australia, CEO, Nieves Murray said.

“While inflation and interest rates keep rising, we must be prepared and proactive to prevent mental distress and suicide rates from doing the same”.

The issue of cost-of-living and personal debt is ranked the biggest risk to rising suicide rates over the next 12 months both by the public (68%) and by the suicide prevention sector (74%).

“This is higher than previous years and is the first time an economic issue has overtaken social issues like drugs, loneliness and family breakdown,” Ms Murray said.

“We can all make a difference in the lives of those who might be struggling by having regular, meaningful conversations about life’s ups and downs. Working together to prevent suicide, raise awareness and encourage conversations is important”.


For more information on R U OK? day and for tips on how to ask those in your life the all-important question, click here.

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