Anticipation is building for a potential meeting between the leaders of Australia and China as they prepare to touch down in Indonesia.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is attending the G20 in Bali following a weekend in Phnom Penh for the East Asia and ASEAN summits.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has already confirmed a meeting in Bali with United States President Joe Biden.

But the question remains as to whether Mr Xi and Mr Albanese will meet.

If it goes ahead, it will be the first time in six years leaders of Australia and China have had a formal meeting.

On Sunday, the final day of the Cambodian summit, the prime minister had a 40-minute catch-up with Mr Biden.

The pair discussed security deals, the climate and engagement with the Pacific.


But Mr Albanese would not reveal if the president gave him any clues about what he will discuss with Mr Xi.

“President Biden can speak for himself and I’ll speak for myself on the terms in which Australia engages,” he told reporters in Phnom Penh

“(Australia) will engage constructively in dialogue with the countries that wish to engage with us.

“I’ve said that we should co-operate with China where we can and that’s what we’re doing.”

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has invited Mr Albanese to give a key note speech at the B20 meeting which brings together business and political leaders from the world’s strongest economies.

Global recovery from the pandemic and taming inflation impacting economies will be key themes of his speech.


Mr Albanese will make a pitch to world leaders to work together in all nation’s interests by reducing tariff obstructions and increasing trade agreements.

“We can achieve far more together than we ever will alone,” he will say.

“Recovering stronger depends on recovering together.”

Tackling climate change will also feature heavily during the summit.

The prime minister will urge governments and businesses to invest in clean energy sources and spruik Australia’s role in the global transition to renewables.

“We know Australia can be a renewable energy superpower and we are working to grow our clean energy export industry,” he will say.


“We are committed to co-operating with other nations to help reduce their emissions, grow their economies and improve living standards.”

Leaders will also discuss global food insecurity, worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as the global response to pandemics.

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