An Aussie icon has now fallen victim to the rising cost of living which is continuing to push up the prices of everyday items and activities.

Due to soaring inflation, the price of a humble Bunnings snag is set to increase from $2.50 to $3.50.

The increase will kick into effect from Saturday, July 23 at the more than 300 Bunnings stores across the country.

“After pretty much a decade and a half we are going to raise the price of the famous Bunnings sausage sizzle from $2.50 to $3.50,” Bunnings managing director Mike Schneider told Newscorp.

“We understand very much the really important role the humble snag plays in the community’s psyche.

“And undoubtedly any change in price, particularly in the current environment, is something that is going to gather some level of attention.”

It’s understood an increase in the cost of meat, bread and onions is to blame, with the local community groups that hold the much-loved sausage sizzles seeing a decline in fundraising.


“The inflationary environment has certainly meant that many of our community groups have come to us and asked for this change,” Mr Schneider said.

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