Support for the Federal Coalition has slumped to its lowest level since the 2018 leadership spill.

The poll, published by The Australian, shows the primary vote for the Liberal-Nationals has fallen two points to 34 per cent.

While Labor’s primary vote has risen by three points to 41 per cent.

On a two-party-preferred basis, the first Newspoll of the year has given Labor a winning margin of 56-44.

In some hope for the Coalition, Scott Morrison still leads the way as preferred Prime Minister at 43 percent.

However, opposition leader Anthony Albanese has narrowed the gap even further rising to 41 per cent, with just two points now separating them.

Despite the results, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told the Today Show on Monday that we shouldn’t write the Federal Government off just yet.


“There’s only one poll that counts in politics and that’s election day,” he said.

“Many people wrote us off ahead of the last election in 2019 and the Australian people thought differently on election day”.

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