Australians are being urged to roll up their sleeves and give blood as we head into the cold and flu season.

More than 8,500 donations are needed across the country in the next fortnight alone, including 1,100 in Queensland and 2,500 in NSW.

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood says the flu season, combined with ongoing COVID-19 cases, has created a “perfect storm” for a potential blood donor shortage.

Cath Stone from Lifeblood has revealed that a higher number of people are cancelling or rescheduling their donations due to the above illnesses at higher rates this year compared to last year.

“We are expecting those cancellations to increase over the coming weeks so are asking people with O and A blood types to book a donation,” she said.

“More than 80 per cent of the population has an O or A blood type, meaning these are the types most needed by patients.

“O Negative, the universal blood type, is found in fewer than seven per cent of the population, making it one of the rarer blood types, however its versatility means it makes up 16 per cent of the blood ordered by hospitals.


“It is used to treat patients when their blood type is unknown. It’s often stocked in ambulances and rescue helicopters to be used to treat trauma patients who can require huge quantities of blood in a short amount of time.”

To combat the seasonal drop in donors, Lifeblood has also partnered with emergency services across the country to launch a blood drive to help secure blood stocks over the winter months.

“Emergency Service workers are used to coming to the rescue in times of need and emergencies, and at this time of year they will also help save lives by donating blood and plasma,” Cath said.  

To make an appointment to donate this winter, you can call 13 14 95, or visit or the Donate Blood app.

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