LATEST @ 5.00PM | Multiple rescue teams have worked together to lift a woman to safety after a major fall in Tamborine Mountain.

The woman in her 20s was trapped up to 40 metres down an embankment at Cameron Falls lookout after falling around 2.30pm this afternoon.

A helicopter was tasked to winch her to safety but was unable to due to conditions, with rescue crews forced to use ropes to pull her up the cliff.

She has miraculously walked away with just minor cuts and bruises.

Paramedics have transported her to the Gold Coast University Hospital in a stable condition.

EARLIER @ 2.35PM | Emergency teams are rushing to Tamborine Mountain to rescue a person who’s fallen from a popular lookout.

The person, understood to be a woman, has reportedly fallen up to 20 metres down an embankment at the Cameron Fall lookout off Knoll Road.


The injuries are not yet known with rescue crews and paramedics still on the way.

Three rescue teams from QFES have been tasked to the job.

More to come. 


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