Factories in the Currumbin industrial area have been transformed into an incredible make-shift donation hub, with hundreds of Gold Coasters rallying together to provide flood relief to the Northern Rivers region.

Locals have been dropping off thousands of products to 56-60 Currumbin Creek Road, which are then sorted by volunteers and loaded into cars and boats to be ferried across the border to those who need it.

Co-ordinator Sam Cardone told myGC she has been blown away by the incredible outpouring of human love.

“We are showing up like the Gold Coast family always does, ensuring that all of our neighbours in the Northern Rivers are getting fed and cleaned and sorted out after this flood disaster,” she said.

“People are still trapped, they still have no food, no water. The situation is really dire down south so we are doing our best to try and resupply them, keep them fed, keep them clean and keep them dry.

“So many people are banding together. The cars, the boats, the jet skis and just the mums, the dads, the kids rolling in all day saying how can I help. It’s been an incredible turnout, more than we could have ever expected. It’s grown into this army of people here to help.

“It started with the all the boys getting on the jet skis and the boats and getting out there to rescue people and then it evolved. Now that many of those people are kind of safe, we needed to ensure they are fed and back them up with supplies.”


Ms Cardone said it’s a really dynamic situation that is constantly changing.

“Giving is actually quite complicated and you need to make sure you get it right, otherwise we are just dumping too much on these communities who are already under too much stress. So we’ve got to make sure that the chain works and we are actually helping in the right way,” she said.

“We need a lot of things – water, non-perishable foods, batteries, torches, long life milk, hygiene and sanitary items, first aid – the absolute essentials. What we don’t need is linen, pillows and old clothes – they are no go for right now.

“If you are ready to help, come down! At the end of the day, if we have lots and lots and lots of product, what we really need is people to help sort that product and make sure it gets to the right places.”

If you want to help, keep an eye on the @cornerstone_stores instagram page and drop off donations to 56-60 Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin.

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