After a stellar year for film and television productions in Queensland, it’s the perfect time to start forging a career in the industry.

Last month it was revealed the sunshine state’s screen industry contributed $465 million to the local economy in the past year alone, including hosting four international productions– some of which were filmed here on the Gold Coast.

This makes studying a course in Screen and Media at TAFE Queensland a great option for those looking to capitalise on the increase in local opportunities.

TAFE Queensland Screen and Media teacher Adam Couper told MyGC there is a wide range of possible career outcomes for students.

“Every part of the creative process, from the first time the writer puts the pen to paper, through to where the audience is sitting in the cinema going ‘wow’, all those jobs are in some way covered,” Mr Couper said.

Students can choose from a range of courses from a Certificate III in Screen and Media through to diploma qualifications in Production Management or Post-Production.

They also have the option to continue their studies on through TAFE’s partnership with Southern Cross University (SCU).


This appealed to recent Diploma of Screen and Media graduate William Neville, who is now completing a Bachelor’s Degree at SCU, which he can choose to study at TAFE’s Coomera Creative Campus.

“When you do the Diploma, that takes a year off what would be a three-year Bachelor’s Degree and turns it into a two-year degree,” Mr Neville said.

“The beautiful thing about that as well is some of the teachers from the Diploma are also teaching the Bachelor’s Degree so you get to know them more and it’s a more one-on-one, personal connection.”

Watch the video to learn more about studying Screen and Media at TAFE Queensland, and take a glimpse at the hands-on facilities available.

Diploma student Chaela Lowe said she also benefits from the highly-experienced teachers and networking opportunities.


“The teachers are one of the best parts as well, they all had backgrounds in industry and their experience is invaluable to us,” Ms Lowe said.

“Throughout the course, we’re offered industry networking opportunities.

“One of the more recent ones was a screen industry onboarding by TAFE Queensland and Screen Queensland, where we were given the opportunity to come in and speak with people in the profession in the industry,” she said.

The next screen industry onboarding program starts February 17 and will be delivered over four days by industry professionals.

For more information, contact Karen Graham via email at and contact the Coomera Creative Campus to book a tour or inquire about course options.


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