A 14-year-old girl has been charged with the serious assault of a police officer following an incident in Surfers Paradise in the early hours of Monday morning..

It’s understood an officer noticed the girl and a friend talking to an older man on the street around 4am.

Chief Superintendent Craig Hanlon said the officer become concerned for the girls’ welfare because of their young age and the time of day so decided to take them to the nearest police station to make contact with relatives.

“They weren’t committing offences, we were just concerned for their wellbeing,” he told ABC Radio.

“It’s very concerning for us that police who are trying to do the right things by youngsters .. trying to help them out .. and as a result a police officer’s been assaulted.”

The officer remains in Pindara Hospital with a suspected broken nose.

The 14-year-old girl has since been charged with serious assault police officer causing bodily harm.

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