The Queensland Government has handed down its State Budget for 2023-24, with the Gold Coast to benefit largely from key infrastructure and health funding.

A massive $2.3 billion has been allocated for a number of construction projects, including the Light Rail Stage 3 extension, M1 upgrades, and new local train stations.

While $2.1 billion has also been set aside to boost the Gold Coast’s struggling health and hospital sector.

This includes $64 million towards the brand-new Coomera Hospital, an additional 70 beds at Gold Coast University Hospital, and a 40-bed secure mental health unit at Gold Coast University Hospital

The Gold Coast will also benefit from additional funding for the housing crisis, and the homeless sector.

This includes $65.7 million to expand and improve social housing on the Gold Coast, as well as $11.3 million for homelessness services to provide essential housing and support services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

A full breakdown of what the State Budget is delivering for the Gold Coast Region is below.



Coomera Connector (Stage 1), Coomera to Nerang

  • $420 million in 2023-24 out of a $2.163 billion total spend towards the Coomera Connector (Stage 1), between Coomera and Nerang. Delivered in partnership with the Australian Government

Pacific Motorway, Varsity Lakes (Exit 85) to Tugun (Exit 95) upgrade

  • $190 million in 2023-24 out of a $1 billion total spend towards upgrading the Pacifi c Motorway (M1) between Varsity Lakes and Tugun. Delivered in partnership with the Australian Government.

Gold Coast Light Rail (Stage 3), Broadbeach South to Burleigh Heads

  • $259.4 million in 2023-24 out of a $1.219 billion total spend towards extending the light rail from Broadbeach South to Burleigh Heads. This project will connect communities with business
    and jobs, hospitals and medical facilities, education, shopping, dining, entertainment and sporting centres.


New Coomera Hospital

  • $74 million in 2023-24 out of a $1.3 billion total spend for the construction of the new Coomera Hospital, which will deliver around 404 overnight beds and include Emergency Department treatment spaces and a satellite medical imaging department. The new hospital will also feature operating theatres, endoscopy rooms, birthing suites, consult rooms, clinical support services and facility support services.

Southport Ambulance Station & Gold Coast Operations Centre

  • $7.1 million in 2023-24 out of a $31 million total spend to deliver a modern functional and fi t-for-purpose ambulance station that will maximise operational efficiencies and provide staff with a high standard of amenity and accommodation. The Gold Coast Operations Centre project at Coomera will deliver a purpose-built, modern and efficient facility to deliver Triple Zero (000) call centre services.

Robina Hospital

  • $10 million in 2023-24 out of a $20.5 million total spend for the replacement of the mobile duress system and the refurbishment of the transit lounge into an Acute Care Unit, which is expected to deliver around 20 additional beds and additional procedure areas. The emergency department expansion will improve patient flow, reduce waiting times, and help meet the current and future health needs of Queenslanders.

Pimpama Ambulance Station

  • $100,000 in 2023-24 out of a $5.5 million total spend to redevelop the facility to provide fi t-for-purpose, effi cient and modern accommodation to support the delivery of pre-hospital ambulance services

Gold Coast University Hospital

  • $105.6 million in 2023-24 out of a $200.8 million total spend to deliver a Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit and a 4-storey ward building to provide additional inpatient capacity.

Gold Coast Parklands Health and Knowledge Precinct

  • $3.4 million in 2023-24 out of a $41.7 million total spend to continue development of a health and knowledge precinct within the Parklands Priority Development Area.

Southport Health Precinct

  • $10.9 million in 2023-24 out of a $12.5 million total spend for the replacement of the existing chillers, fan coil units, air handling units, insulation, piping and upgrade building management systems.


Gainsborough State School

  • $1.8 million in 2023-24 out of a $55.3 million total spend to construct Gainsborough State School.

Coomera State Special School

  • $18.9 million in 2023-24 out of a $50.9 million total spend to construct Coomera State Special School.

Coombabah State High School

  • $1.8 million in 2023-24 out of a $14.3 million total spend to construct a new building for additional learning spaces.

Miami State High School

  • $5.2 million in 2023-24 out of a $12 million total spend to deliver a new double court multipurpose hall, 3 classrooms, kinesiology lab, staff work rooms, store rooms, amenities and kiosk.

Palm Beach-Currumbin State High School

  • $1 million in 2023-24 out of a $10.9 million total spend to deliver a new hall facility.

Keebra Park State High School

  • $3.3 million in 2023-24 out of a $11.3 million total spend to construct
    additional specialist classrooms.

Nerang State High School

  • $4 million in 2023-24 out of a $5 million total spend to upgrade the existing hall facilit


Binna Burra Lodge Rebuild

  • $16.6 million in 2023-24 out of a $18 million total spend for the rebuild of the heritage listed lodge and cabin rooms on Mount Roberts lost in the 201 bushfires.  This project will also support 88 jobs during the planning and construction phases and 40 jobs once operational. Part of the Regional Tourism Recovery Program.

Currumbin Beach Vikings Surf Club upgrade

  • $100,000 in 2023-24 out of a $2 million total spend to replace the existing clubhouse with a new clubhouse including disability access on the ground floor, at the Nippers clubhouse facility.

Butterfly Sanctuary and Glow Worm Breeding Project

  • $400,000 in 2023-24 out of a $800,000 total spend for construction of a fully enclosed butterfly sanctuary for native and endangered butterflies and enhancement of the glow worm conservation program.

The 2023-24 Queensland Budget will provide:

  • $2.3B on infrastructure for productivity enhancing infrastructure and capital works, estimated to support around 6,500 jobs in this region.
  • $2.1B on health for the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.
  • $89.7M on education to maintain, improve and upgrade schools on the Gold Coast.
  • $65.7M for social housing to expand and improve social housing on the Gold Coast.
  • $11.3M for homelessness services to provide essential housing and support services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness on the Gold Coast.
  • $5.9M for Skilling Queenslanders for Work to fund more training opportunities and increase workforce participation.

Specific projects include:

  • $1.8 million in 2023-24 out of $14.3 million total spend to construct a new building for additional learning spaces at Coombabah State High School
  • $18.9 million in 2023-24 out of a $50.9 million total spend for the new Coomera State Special School
  • Gold Coast Satellite Hospital will open at Tugun in 2023-24
  • $74 million for a New Coomera Hospital
  • $52.1 million towards a $122.7 million expansion of the Gold Coast University Hospital to deliver a Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit.
  • $240 million towards Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail, as part of a total commitment of $2.598 billion (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $190 million towards Pacific Motorway, Varsity Lakes (Exit 85) to Tugun (Exit 95) upgrade, as part of a total commitment of $1 billion (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $94.8 million towards New Gold Coast Train Stations (Pimpama, Hope Island and Merrimac), at a total estimated cost of $500 million.
  • $14.4 million to improve management of, and provide better access to, the Gold Coast Waterway, canals and rivers and to deliver The Spit Works Program.
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