SES groups across southeast Queensland, including the Gold Coast, are prepared to support the local community through another stormy summer season.

The State Government has equipped the ‘Orange Angels’ volunteers with over $26,000 worth of emergency equipment including stretchers, lighting, chainsaws and vehicle accessories.

It’s thanks to a $200,000 partnership with Queensland’s publicly owned electricity companies, Energex and Ergon Energy, and Powerlink Queensland.

Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen, Mick de Brenni, has thanked local SES volunteers and staff for their efforts over what has been an extraordinarily busy 2022.

“This past year we saw just how incredible the women and men of the SES are once again, they were there when we needed them, throughout the devastating February floods, the storms and local emergencies,” Minister de Brenni says

“It’s been their heroics over the past 12 months that make this enduring partnership between our energy companies and the SES so profoundly valuable,

“Whether the ‘Orange Angels’ are responding to calls for help in the middle of the night, or supporting the local Police or Fire and Rescue teams, SES volunteers go over and above, and this is a small gesture to once again say thank you.”


Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) South Eastern Region Assistant Commissioner Kevin Walsh says the SES would put the equipment to good use to support communities from Coolangatta all the way to Esk.

“Our volunteers are at the ready to support the community through a range of emergencies, and having up-to-date equipment means they always have the right tools for the job,” Assistant Commissioner Walsh says.

“The hours that our SES dedicate to protecting Queensland communities is highly valued and appreciated.

“The ongoing generosity of our partner organisations has helped the SES build capacity that has a direct and positive impact on communities across the state.”

Energy Queensland CEO Rod Duke said both Ergon and Energex have been long-time supporters of the SES and looked forward to another year assisting the SES’ invaluable volunteers.

“There is always the unfortunate damage to property and disruption to lives but, on the positive side, there is a sea of invaluable volunteers in orange overalls working hard helping the community back on its feet,” Mr Duke said.


“These members of the SES not only help make lives in the community better during and after emergencies, they also provide significant support to Energex and Ergon Energy crews out there getting power back on.”

Other equipment handover events have been scheduled for Cairns, Gympie, Mackay and Townsville in late 2022 and early 2023.

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