Queensland Police have busted hundreds of people drunk behind the wheel these school holidays already, and a devastating three lives have been lost on our roads.

A shocking 341 people have been charged with drink and drug driving offences over the first five days of the Easter police operation, with police conducting over 14,000 RBT’s across the state.

The holidays so far have also resulted in a the death of three people on Queensland roads, while there has been a total of 128 crashes, resulting in 166 people injured.

It’s led police and first responders to issue a desperate plea to motorists to to drive safely this Easter long weekend.

Police Minister Mark Ryan says this number of fatalities these holidays is simply too high.

“That is three families who are now making funeral arrangements rather than enjoying their time off,” Minister Ryan says.

“Police have been out in force on our roads doing their part to bring this number down, but motorists have a vital role to play,


“Don’t drive affected by alcohol or drugs, don’t speed, don’t drive while tired or distracted and wear your seatbelt. These are really simple measures, but they are critical,

“One wrong decision on our roads can end your life or someone else’s, and one death can ruin the lives of dozens of people.”

Acting Assistant Commissioner Chris Stream says police will be doubling down on their commitment ahead of the Easter long weekend.

“Three lives lost is too high. 136 drug drivers is too high. 205 drink drivers is too high,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Stream says.

“We are planning to increase the amount of RBTs we’ve conducted over the first five days of this operation,

“The more drink and drug drivers we can get off the roads, the more people we’re getting home safely to their families,


“The same goes for speeding drivers and distracted drivers. Wherever you’re travelling across the state this weekend, expect to see a police officer,

“Don’t be the reason someone doesn’t make it home to their families. Every decision you make behind the wheel counts.”

A whopping 1,334 infringements have been issued to speeding drivers on Queensland roads.

In total, 2,061 infringements have been handed out for offences including 20 for mobile phone offences and 25 seatbelt offences.

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