The Police Union is threatening to take the case of a suspended Gold Coast police officer to the Industrial Relations Commission unless the Commissioner steps in.

Senior Sergeant Arron Ottaway was stood down after allegedly authorising officers ram a stolen car full of juveniles in Mermaid Waters earlier this month to bring a chase to an end.

It came after the vehicle had reportedly been driven on its rims for almost 20 minutes following a dangerous crime spree, with six teenagers aged between 15 and 18 arrested.

The Ethical Standards Command is investigating the incident, but Queensland’s Police Union has slammed the decision to stand the officer down, saying he’s being punished for “doing his job”.

Police Union President Ian Leavers is now calling for Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll to step in and reinstate the Sergeant.

“He did what the community expected him to do and he has tremendous community support,” Leavers told Nine.

“He’s the type of police officer we need on the frontline making decisive decisions.


“But sadly there is an incredible disconnect between the frontline and senior management.

“Let us get back to basics, police being police, keeping the community safe, and locking these criminals up.”

Mr Leavers said he wants police to be able to “do their jobs” and not do it with their “hands tied behind their backs”.

“Stop looking after the rights of the offenders… They lose their rights when they commit an offence,” he said.

“These offenders were apprehended, they were putting the lives of the community at risk and very well could have caused a tragedy”.

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