Have you noticed graffiti in your neighbourhood?
Gold Coasters are being encouraged to report any graffiti sightings to the City of Gold Coast, so they can have it removed promptly.
Wiping out graffiti quickly reduces the likelihood of more graffiti to the space, which is why council aims to remove reported graffiti within five business days or one working day if it is offensive.
Reporting graffiti is quick and easy, you can:
- visit the Graffiti page on the City of Gold Coast website
- use the new City of Gold Coast mobile app
- call the Graffiti Hotline on 07 5667 5974
- email graffiti@goldcoast.qld.gov.au

PHOTO: Supplied
The City of Gold Coast are able to remove graffiti from public property, Energex assets and private property if it is accessible from public land.
Residents and businesses can also wipe out graffiti from their property by visiting their closest City customer contact centre and picking up a free graffiti removal kit.
Another way council is helping to prevent graffiti is by partnering with local artists, schools, and community groups for urban art installations including artwork on traffic signal boxes and murals.
For more information on the City of Gold Coast’s graffiti management strategy, visit: cityofgoldcoast.com.au/