The parents of Gold Coast stabbing victim Jack Beasley have been named the city’s Australian of the Year for 2024.

Brett and Belinda Beasley received the honour at the city’s annual Australian of the Year Awards ceremony on Tuesday night for their tireless efforts in combatting juvenile knife crime.

The couple founded the Jack Beasley Foundation following the tragic stabbing death of their 17-year-old son in Surfer’s Paradise in 2019.

The tragedy prompted a wanding trial in the Surfer’s Paradise Safe Night Precinct that allowed police officers to use hand-held metal detectors to detect knives and other weapons.

The landmark laws have since been implemented in Queensland and across other parts of the country, taking thousands of weapons off the streets and saving the lives of hundreds of others.

“The Beasleys have worked through the tragic death of their 17-year-old son in 2019 and dedicated themselves to improving safety and teaching young people about the consequences of carrying a knife,” Mayor Tom Tate said.

The pair are among five Gold Coasters who were celebrated for their outstanding contribution to the community.


Philanthropist Maureen Stevenson was named Gold Coast Senior Australian of the Year, Letters of Hope founder Abbie Williams was recognised as the Gold Coast Young Australian of the Year, while compassionate community member Mia Sims was deemed the Gold Coast Local Hero.

“Each of these Gold Coasters are remarkable and have had an amazing impact on the Gold Coast through their help and support to our residents in their own unique way,” Mayor Tate said.

“The selection panel had an incredibly tough task to reduce the scores of nominations to the shortlist of 16 finalists and then choose our four winners.

“I congratulate them and thank them for their tireless efforts.”

The winners will be nominated by the City for the National Australia Day Council’s Australian of the Year Awards.

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