So much for the Sunshine State…

If you’ve been thinking it’s been unusually wet on the Gold Coast this year, you’re not wrong.

The city has exceeded its annual average rainfall and it’s still only May.

More than 1395 millimetres of rain has been recorded at the Seaway since the start of the year.

The average annual rainfall for the Gold Coast is 1303.4 millimetres.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, we’ve also more than doubled the May average already, with even more wet weather on the way this week.

The average for May is 96.8 millimetres, however, 183.2 millimetres has already fallen this month.


The Bureau has also confirmed the southeast has averaged just three hours of sunshine a day this month, well below the average of 7.7 hours a day.

More than 55 millimetres of rain has been forecast to fall across the city from tomorrow through to Friday, before we could finally see some sunshine and clear skies in time for the weekend.

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