A popular Gold Coast state MP has ruled himself out of the running for a tilt at federal politics, despite widespread support.

Sam O’Connor, the state member for Bonney had been touted as a potential replacement for Stuart Robert, who announced he would retire from federal politics.

The former Coalition Minister cited family reasons for his decision to step away from the federal arena.

His impending retirement is set to spark an intense race within the LNP for the safe northern Gold Coast seat.

O’Connor, who once worked for Robert and whose state seat overlaps the federal seat of Fadden, is among the names that have been thrown up.

But the 31-year-old says he’s happy in state politics, where he’s been since 2017.

“Over the weekend I’ve been humbled by the people who reached out to encourage me to put my hand up. But I’ve decided now is not the time for me to leave state politics,” O’Connor said.


“Serving the community I love as a State MP is the greatest honour of my life. Serving as a Shadow Minister in portfolios I’m passionate about is also a great privilege.”

With the LNP improving in the polls in Queensland, O’Connor could find himself with a state ministry after next year’s election.

“I believe in David Crisafulli and our team. “Our state is facing many challenges. I want to help deliver the change we need and serve as part of a government that will make Queenslanders proud.”

Gold Coast Councillor Cameron Caldwell is among the other potential preselection nominees.

Councillor Caldwell missed out on preselection for the federal Gold Coast seat of Moncrieff in 2019, with party members ultimately choosing Angie Bell.

Local businesswoman Fran Ward is also considered a strong chance.

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