Authorities have warned of the dangers of swimming in the ocean at dusk following a frightening near drowning at Mermaid Beach overnight.

Three teenagers and a child came into trouble while swimming at an unpatrolled stretch of beach at the end of Alfred Street just after 6.00pm.

It’s understood the group became caught in a rip and couldn’t get out, with members of the public having to rush in to save them.

They managed to pull the teens to shore before emergency crews arrived on scene a short time later.

The three girls and one boy were all treated for exhaustion before being taken to the Gold Coast University Hospital in stable conditions.

It’s prompted paramedics to issue a stern warning ahead of this weekend’s schoolies celebrations, with authorities admitting the incident “could have been a lot worse”.

“With schoolies approaching, it’s probably good to highlight that swimming at dusk is a great risk and also swimming in an unpatrolled beach as well,” Paul Young from Queensland Ambulance said.


“If you’re unsure of the surf it’s best not to swim at all. Stick to a local swimming pool.

“If you’re going to swim, swim during the day at a patrolled beach and look after yourself”.

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