Just 48 hours since the post-cyclone clean-up began, the red and yellow flags have started going up at some Gold Coast beaches
Lifeguards have given the green light for Greenmount, Coolangatta and Burleigh beaches to reopen.
“This is only 48 hours after I said it would happen. So Gold Coasters, get back to enjoying their beach,” Mayor Tom Tate said.
Beachgoers are still urged to check the conditions and as always, swim between the red and yellow flags.
Work to repair our battered coastline is continuing with hopes high we will see more beaches on the southern Gold Coast reopen soon.
“Beach work is underway the length of the Gold Coast. We will improve access to our southern beaches from tomorrow.
“Of course we have a big job ahead of us (with) scarping along the whole of our coastline.”

PHOTO: City of Gold Coast
The job of repairing beaches on the northern end of the Gold Coast is expected to take longer.
But the Mayor remains confident the coast will be back in shape by the April holidays.
“As each day goes by, if we’re blessed with good weather we’re going to get close to our prediction that we’re going to get well ahead of the Easter holidays that our beaches will be well and truly open.”

PHOTO: City of Gold Coast