The man accused of the horrific murder of Gold Coast mother Kelly Wilkinson has sensationally pleaded guilty just weeks before he was due to stand trial.

Ms Wilkinson was doused in petrol and set alight at her Arundel home in April 2021.

Her estranged husband, Brian Earl Johnston was arrested two blocks away suffering burns to his hands.

The former US Marine was later charged with Ms Wilkinson’s murder and breaching a domestic violence order.

Her death sparked outrage and a huge public outcry in the community.

It also led to a Queensland Police review following revelations Ms Wilkinson had sought protection in the weeks leading up to her death.

Johnston faced an arraignment via video link in the Brisbane Supreme Court today where he entered his guilty plea.


His barrister told the court that some matters concerning the pair’s relationship were being contested.

Johnston was remanded in custody to face a sentencing hearing on March 13.


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