There are growing calls for the Gold Coast to be home to a second casino, with the State Government being urged to reconsider previous negotiations.

The city’s Mayor wants a second Global Tourism Hub to be built, a commitment he says was made back in 2020.

It comes as the Star Entertainment Group’s operations remain in doubt, following a damning report that has found the gambling giant is unsuitable to hold casino licences in Queensland.

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate says healthy competition would be greatly beneficial.

“There has been a long and chequered history regarding GTH proposals for our city,” Mayor Tate says.

“Monopolies never provide the best environment for consumers, whether it is airlines, supermarkets, resorts or casinos,

“Choice creates healthy competition and gives patrons better access to entertainment, world-class cuisine, accommodation and experiences.”


Back in 2018, the State Government went to the market for two additional licences, and it’s believed around 11 parties expressed interest in the GTH licences in Cairns and the Gold Coast.

However, by July 2020 negotiations were ceased, leaving Star Entertainment Group as the only licence holder in the city.

The council claim the State Government made a commitment during this period that would give the Gold Coast a $100 million upgrade to the Broadbeach Convention Centre, however, this never eventuated.

Mayor Tate is now urging the State to “come good with their commitment.’’

As for the local’s perspective, the Mayor believes it’s up to the individual whether they would make use of a second casino or not, but says it’d be great for job creation.

“It’s about choice. I mean if you want to work in that industry, there would be another 8000 jobs and if you want to work there on hospitality, well, that’s an opportunity for you,” Mayor Tate says.


“Even right now, you have a choice whether or not you want to go to entertainment at casino to watch whatever shows, and you have a choice also, whether you want to play blackjack,

“We’re all adults here. It’s not like you build a wonderful facility and you have to go, ‘oh, well, I’ve got to go there’. No, it’s a choice.”

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