Every state school across the Gold Coast will be able to enjoy air-conditioning for the start of Term 2, with the Queensland Government confirming all state schools across the state have finally been fitted out.

Two years ago the state committed to providing air-condition to every state school as part of the $477 million Cooler Cleaner Schools Program.

Member for Gaven, Meaghan Scanlon, said the achievement had been delivered more than two months ahead of schedule.

“Across the Gold Coast and Scenic Rim, the Palaszczuk Government has invested close to $30 million covering more than 1,370 school spaces,” Minister Scanlon said.

“Having spoken to students, teachers and staff – it’s already helping them feel more comfortable in the classroom.

“The use of air ventilation and air conditioning systems that introduce fresh air from outside could help minimise transmission of COVID-19 in schools.

“As Environment Minister, it’s also great to see that the Palaszczuk Government’s investment also includes $71 million over 3 years to expand solar panel installations on state school rooftops to help with energy use.”


Nerang State High School Principal Scott Ison said that the new air conditioning was very well received by the local school community, particularly given the local climate.

“This is the most significant change in our school in the past decade. We now have classrooms where students are able to work on getting the very best education they can for the entirety of a lesson – every lesson, every day,” Mr Ison said.

“The ability of our students to remain focussed no longer fades, as the mercury rises. One of our teachers commented that the air conditioning has meant the kids are more engaged, want to be in the room and are able to focus and learn for longer.”

“In the words of one of our students: It’s awesome, it’s so cool – in both senses of the word.”

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