Coldplay has unveiled a heartwarming music video for their latest single, “All My Love,” featuring the legendary 98-year-old actor Dick Van Dyke. This special extended “Directors’ Cut” version, co-directed by Spike Jonze and Mary Wigmore, precedes the official music video set to debut on December 13, coinciding with Van Dyke’s 99th birthday.

Filmed at his Malibu home, the video showcases Van Dyke reflecting on themes of age, family, and love, while also highlighting his illustrious career in classics like Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

In a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, both Van Dyke and Coldplay’s frontman Chris Martin discussed their unexpected collaboration. Van Dyke humorously recounted his initial surprise upon receiving a call from Martin, admitting he did not recognise the musician’s name.

Martin responded in kind, joking that he was simply looking for “the oldest guy” to join him in the project. Their friendship blossomed after Martin invited Van Dyke for breakfast with his family, a gesture that sparked the creative idea for the music video.

The song “All My Love” is part of Coldplay’s recent album Moon Music, released in October. The release of the music video serves as a fitting tribute to Van Dyke’s remarkable career and life as he approaches this significant milestone, celebrating not only his artistic legacy but also his enduring spirit and joy for life.


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