Jason Momoa has gone public with his stance on the upcoming Voice referendum which has left fans divided and made him the subject of huge backlash.

The Aquaman star, who originates from Hawaii, shared a viral ‘Yes vote’ video featuring musician and writer Adam Briggs who came up with the idea for the campaign video.

Momoa’s friend and New Zealand filmmaker Taika Waititi first shared the video to his following leading Momoa to share it on his account.

“#yes23 is a referendum taking place in Australia on October 14. The aim is to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people a Voice in parliament so they can weigh in on issues that affect their lives” he wrote.

His post was met with intense criticism in the comments, with people demanding he stay out of Australian politics and stick to what he does best, acting.


“Stay in your lane Jason. Your an actor, you do not need a position on this.” one person wrote.

His comments about simply ‘googling it’ did not seem to go down well, with one person writing “Ffs you aren’t properly informed by ‘googling’ it 🤦‍♀️”.

One person even wrote “Celebrity puppets sharing government propaganda campaigns. The world continues to get weirder.”

On the other side of the debate, he also received praise for sharing solidarity and encouragement with people.

“The lead up to the referendum has been really rough on our communities and it’s actually really nice to get some encouragement from our Indigenous brothers from across the seas” one person wrote.

Another wrote “Thanks for sharing this. It is a big deal here and causing a lot of controversy and mis-information.”


To learn more information regarding the upcoming referendum, listen to the Referendum 23 Tapes podcast on iHeart Radio below. 

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