Rita Ora, known for her energetic performances and catchy tunes, faced an unexpected hiccup during her set at the Mighty Hoopla festival in London. The pop star attempted to lead the crowd in a sing-along, but the moment didn’t go as planned, resulting in an eery silence that left both Rita and the audience feeling a little awkward…

During her performance, Rita invited the crowd to sing one of her popular tracks. However, the audience’s response was not exactly enthusiastic, as no one in the front row seemed knew the lyrics to her song.

Determined to salvage the moment, she took matters into her own hands—only to sing the wrong song entirely.

It didn’t stop there and after one last attempt with a fan who wanted to restart the song, she jokingly admitted defeat: “It’s absolutely not going to happen.”

While Rita’s sing-along might not have hit the high note she hoped for, at least it was a memorable performance.


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