Several hotly contested divisions in the Gold Coast City Council election have finally been declared following a marathon count.

Gold Coast City Councillor Gail O’Neill has narrowly edged out rival Kath Down to hold onto Division 14.

However, Ms Down has called for the result to be investigated by the Electoral Commission of Queensland.

Division 12 has been won by Nick Marshall, ahead of Luke Henderson.

The only Division across the city that is yet to be officially declared is Division 7, which remains up in the air.

However, it’s looking more likely that Joe Wilkinson will claim victory over rivals Jenna Schroder and suspended Councillor Ryan Bayldon Lumsden.

Mr Wilkinson has already taken to social media to claim the win, with a final declaration expected to be made today.


“Humbled to announce that after a long day of watching the count, I can (unofficially) say I’ve been elected as Division 7’s new Councillor!” he said.

“Awaiting the results over the last couple of weeks and especially today, Jenna Schroeder and I stood side by side watching the count.

“We both put our hands up for this role because we were driven by wanting to see our area represented again.

“I want to thank Jenna and her team for their professionalism and congratulate her on running a strong campaign.

“This has been an election which divided locals more than ever so as I take on this role, I’ll be doing all I can to bring our community together”.

The results come more than two weeks after Gold Coasters headed to the polls to cast their ballot.

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