It started as a crazy idea by Emily Jade, then she roped in Galey, the team at Hot Tomato and finally Drakes IGA and now, it may just turn into an international sensation!

After coming back from holidays, EJ realised there was no food left in her house and how much she HATED doing the grocery shopping.

She wondered why no-one had made this everyday chore FUN!

Here’s the original video she posted:

The idea was simple: Imagine a place where you could do your grocery shopping while listening to some great tunes, enjoying a snack or three, sipping a bevvy and knock over a chore that many of us dislike.


Drakes IGA at Ashmore City came to the party (pun intended) and Trolleys and Tunes was born and judging by the turnout, they could seriously be onto something!

Check out the video below:


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