The Gold Coast has hosted a major crime meeting overnight, with hundreds of fed-up locals turning up for the event.

Nearly 200 frustrated residents attended the meeting at the leisure centre in Helensvale on Wednesday night, in what police say was the largest number they’ve seen.

It’s understood a number of local MP’s attended to hear what residents had to say, along with police officers.

Meeting Organiser, Deb, has told Nine locals are absolutely sick of the relentless youth crime.

“The crime level has just blown out of the water, especially in our area, but same all over Queensland,”

“The government needs to step in and do something because it’s just ridiculous,

“The kids just keep coming and coming and coming and it’s usually the same ones over and over again.”


Deb says young criminals don’t seem to be scared of the law, and that locals are discussing the need for private security.

“90% of the houses have got security cameras, but as you’re aware, they don’t care about them,”

“Like on Friday night, they tried to break-in to my car, which is parked straight under a security camera and they didn’t care. They just stood there trying to break into it,

“So we’re figuring that if we get the Neighborhood Watch to start with involved and then, yeah, we are looking at hiring our own security company.”

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