Voters in the Queensland seat of Fadden are to find out the full list of candidates for the upcoming by-election.

The Australian Electoral Commission will on Friday conduct the ballot draw for the July 15 by-election, triggered by the resignation of controversial former minister Stuart Robert.

It is expected there could be as many as eight candidates on the ballot paper.

The Liberal National Party hopes its candidate, Gold Coast councillor Cameron Caldwell, can retain the seat Mr Robert held in 2022 with a 10.6 per cent margin.

Labor is running its 2022 election candidate, nurse educator Letitia Del Fabbro.

Following a seat-wide mailout by the LNP, there have so far been 10,425 postal vote applications.

At the last election there were 24,000 postal vote applications, with 15,000 votes returned.


The by-election comes as independent federal MPs called for ministers to be forced by law to publish the meetings they have with lobbyists, politicians and interest groups.

Kooyong MP Monique Ryan and Curtin MP Kate Chaney said media reports Mr Robert met with consulting firm Accenture to discuss an $111 million federal project when he was a cabinet minister showed the need for ministerial diaries to be published.

“The public should know who ministers are meeting and why, and they should know this as soon as is practicable,” they said.

“We should have known about this important meeting between former minister Robert and Accenture in 2021, not after the minister had left office and resigned.”

Labor in opposition argued for the publishing of ministerial diaries.

The government also raised questions in parliament on Thursday about whether Mr Robert was a “shadow director” of lobbying firm Synergy 360, which cabinet minister Bill Shorten said “sign(ed) up corporate clients with the promise of helping them navigate parliament and the bureaucracy and meet key decision-makers, including senior coalition ministers”.


Mr Robert has denied helping Synergy 360 assist its clients to secure government contracts.

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