Nazi and other hate symbols will be banned in Queensland under proposed new hate crime and serious vilification laws.

The reforms will increase penalties for offences that are motivated by hatred or serious contempt, as well as ban the public display of hate symbols including through tattoos or public distribution.

The tougher new laws have been introduced to Parliament today.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says hate, prejudice and extreme ideologies won’t be tolerated in Queensland.

“Our government promised to review and strengthen serious vilification and hate crime laws and this Bill is delivering on that promise,” the Premier says.

“These reforms mean Queensland will have some of the strongest hate crime laws in the country.”

The Criminal Code (Serious Vilification and Hate Crimes) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 gives effect to four key recommendations made by the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee in January 2022 to strengthen Queensland’s hate crime laws.


The new ‘Prohibited symbols’ offence will be introduced to protect the community from the distress and insecurity associated with the display of hate symbols.

Under the new offence, public display, public distribution, or publication of prohibited symbols in circumstances that might reasonably be expected to cause a member of the public to feel menaced, harassed or offended are prohibited, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.

The offence is intended to capture a broad range of circumstances, including the public display of tattoos and the public distribution or publication of prohibited symbols online.

The reforms also amend existing offences to provide for a new circumstance of aggravation for offences, including common assault, going armed so as to cause fear, threatening violence, assault occasioning bodily harm, wilful damage, trespass and public nuisance.

Criminals who commit these offences while motivated, wholly or partly, by hatred or serious contempt based on race, religion, sexuality, sex characteristics or gender identity will face increased penalties including longer custodial sentences.

These provisions are intended to give the courts greater ability to treat these offences as more serious and therefore deserving of a more severe punishment.


Queensland Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman says the reforms send a clear message to criminals.

“A hate crime or the serious vilification of an individual or group because of their race, religion, sexuality, sex characteristics or gender identity is an attack on a human dignity and will not be tolerated,” Attorney-General Fentiman says.

“Criminals who commit serious crimes motivated by serious hate and prejudice will face tougher penalties.”

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