The Queensland Government has unveiled its disaster relief assistance package for homes affected by the recent floods.

Around 6,800 homes have been assessed since the major flooding event in late February.

The state government’s proposed a package worth $771 million dollars, which they’re hoping will be jointly funded by the federal government.

It includes funding allocations to retrofit some properties, raise properties, and to facilitate the buyback of some properties.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles says this should help fast track the recovery period.

“Under this funding package we will  provide grants of up to $50,000 to retrofit 5,500 homes at a total cost of up to $275 million.

“We’ll have grants of up to 100,000 to raise homes, up to 1,000 homes, we expect at a cost of up to $100 million.


“And in addition, a $350 million residential buyback program for up to 500 homes for where they don’t want to flood again, they don’t want to retrofit or raise or for whatever reason they’re not suitable options.

“These funding programs will allow us to work with council, insurance and property owners to identify the best option for their property.

“We think this is a world-leading initiative to ensure that we’re not just building back, we’re not just putting residents back in homes that will flood again,” Minister Miles said.

More details regarding the application process are still being worked out and will be confirmed in coming days.

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