A young boy left fighting for his life following the tragic Sea World helicopter crash has made a heartbreaking vow to not leave his Dad’s side as he continues his long recovery.

Nicholas Tadros was placed into a coma following the crash on January 2, after breaking almost every bone in his body when the two choppers collided over the Broadwater.

The 10-year-old was one of seven people on board the helicopter and one of just three survivors.

His mother Vanessa, local pilot Ash Jenkinson and British couple Ron and Diane Hughes were all killed.

All four people on board the second helicopter also miraculously managed to survive.

Nicky has since regained consciousness but has a long road to recovery, with the youngster being dealt another cruel blow.

His devastated father revealed to A Current Affair overnight that his son will have to lose his right foot.


“Nicky is keeping his spirits, but he’s struggling on a day-to-day basis,” Simon Tadros told ACA.

“He broke nearly everything from top to bottom, you know, his arms, his legs, his sternum, his hips, his thighs, his legs, his arms, ribs, lungs collapsing.

“He even inhaled some of the aviation fuel that caused problems for his lungs as well, his kidneys are still not functioning, so he’s on a dialysis machine.”

In the emotional interview, Mr Tadros revealed the heartbreaking moment he had to tell his son that he had lost his mother.


“He said, ‘Where’s mum?’ said Simon “I said she was in the crash with you. He said, ‘Yeah, I know, but where’s mum?’ I said, ‘Baby boy, mum had to go to Jesus.’

“And he just turned his head and closed his eyes”.

Despite the obstacles, Nicky, who remains in hospital in Brisbane, has vowed not to leave his father’s side.

“He said I’m not going to give up, Dad. I’m not going to leave you alone,” Mr Tadros told host Ally Langdon, who broke down in tears at the admission.

“He’s a strong-willed boy. He’s a good kid.”

An investigation into the crash remains ongoing, with a final report due to be delivered next year.

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