Police are planning to ramp up patrols again over the next two long weekends following a very busy Easter policing period on the Gold Coast.

Over 1600 random breath tests were conducted across the Easter crackdown with 40 motorists busted over the limit.

Two of those individuals were caught almost six times over the legal limit.

Acting Chief Superintendent Rhys Wildman says the ‘don’t drink and drive’ messaging has been clear for a long time and that these readings are not acceptable.

“The really concerning part is around the size of those particular readings,” Chief Wildman says.

“The risk to not only that individual but other members of the public here on the Coast is just unacceptable.”

Officers also conducted several random drug tests, which are carried out if a driver returns a negative breath test reading but looks to be under the influence of a substance.


Concerningly, of the 47 random drug tests, almost half came back positive.

There were also three incidents of officers being injured while on the job across the weekend, with one still in hospital recovering.

Police allege two officers were hit while out in Surfers Paradise.

“Words don’t express how I feel about particularly the officers who were assaulted through coward punches… abhorrent doesn’t even cover how the situation unfolded,”

“For one of our police officers who are trying to do their best to protect the community to be assaulted in this fashion is something we take extremely seriously.”

While officers were kept extra busy over the long weekend, Police say considering the high influx of people flocking to the City it’s not all negative.


“Vast majority of people who both reside here and drive into the coast have done a fantastic job,”

“They go about their lives and have a great time and use all the facilities, the entertainment precincts and everything the Gold Coast has on offer, which is what we want.”

With the Anzac Day and Labour Day long weekends coming up, Police confirmed they will be looking to expand the Easter road safety operations.

Vision has been released of the woman who was busted allegedly nearly six times over the limit at Jacobs Well on Sunday night.

She was arrested for allegedly drink driving, obstructing and assaulting police after she allegedly scratched the face of an officer while being transported to the watch house.


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