Police are warning motorists that patrols will be heavily boosted across the Gold Coast, as thousands hit the road for the Easter period.

‘Operation Uniform Easter’ will be running until Easter Monday, with additional officers on the road as well as more random drug & breath testing and speed cameras.

In Queensland, six lives were tragically lost on the roads over the Easter long weekend last year, while the Gold Coast recorded a number of serious crashes.

Acting Chief Superintendent Rhys Wildman says patrols will be out in force to ensure everyone gets to their destination safely.

“Around road safety, there’s going to be very little tolerance,” Chief Wildman says.

“The last thing we want to see this weekend is a loss of life or somebody seriously injured or involved in a life-changing event.”

Officers are also cracking down on seatbelt wearing, drivers using a phone behind the wheel and fatigued driving.


They’re urging travelling motorists to plan ahead and expect poorer traffic conditions.

“Understand there will be more traffic up and down the Motorway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast but also on our roads here,”

“And if you’re planning to have a few drinks, plan not to drive.”

The waterways will not be left out, with officers conducting the operation on Gold Coast waters as well.

‘Whilst our focus is very much on the roads its also on our waterways,”

“It’s a reminder no matter whether you’re driving a vehicle or a vessel, riding a scooter whatever you’re doing if it’s on a roadway or a waterway you can be stopped.”

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