Prime Minister Scott Morrison has tested positive to COVID-19.

Mr Morrison released a statement confirming he had received the positive PCR test result on Tuesday evening.

“I had tested myself daily since Sunday, including this morning, with all tests returning a negative result,” he said.

“I took a further test this evening after developing a fever late today.

“The test was inconclusive so I took a PCR test tonight, which returned a positive result late this evening.

“I am continuing to follow health guidelines and am isolating at home in Sydney.”

The Prime Minister had been due to attend an event in support of the Ukrainian community at the Sydney Opera House but had to pull out because he felt unwell.


The news also comes after he attended a meeting of the National Security Committee with other senior ministers on Tuesday.

“While in isolation I will continue to discharge all my responsibilities as Prime Minister, including virtually chairing meetings of the National Security and Expenditure Review Committees of Cabinet, focusing on our emergency response to the devastating floods in Queensland and New South Wales, and ensuring we stand with each and every one of the affected communities both now and as the waters eventually recede,” he said.

“I will also be focused on our urgent response to the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine and Russia’s senseless aggression, staying in regular contact with our security and intelligence officials and our international partners, as well as working with the Treasurer to finalise the Budget.”

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