Victoria’s case numbers have shot up overnight now that the state can record positive Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) results.

An online system went live yesterday allowing people to log their positive status with the government.

51,356 new cases have been reported in the state this morning, up 30,000 on yesterday’s figure.

Over half of those are believed to have been RAT tests.

Nine more people have passed away as a result of Covid-19.

In New South Wales, there was a further 45,098 cases overnight. Those results will still just be from PCR tests carried out at testing clinics.

Nine people passed away from Covid-19 overnight as well.


Hospitalisations have crept up to 1,795, with 145 people in the ICU and 40 people requiring a ventilator.

In Victoria, 731 people are in hospital, 109 in the ICU and 22 on ventilators.

Queensland is yet to reveal their figures, but is expected to launch it’s own RAT reporting system today.

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