There’s a blanket of sadness over our station this week as we mourn the loss of one of the most important people in the Hot Tomato family, David Crane.

There’s a chance you wouldn’t know his name, but Craney, as he’s affectionately known to us and the entire radio industry,  is the reason we’ve been able to broadcast to the Gold Coast for the past 21 years.

He built our studios in Southport from the ground up, was Hot Tomato’s very first employee and has kept us on the air everyday since.

Over the weekend, he lost his very brief, yet very aggressive battle with cancer and there’s not a person who’s worked with him over the years that wouldn’t be feeling the loss.

Our thoughts go out to his wife Marsha (also a former Hot Tomato family member), his kids and his extended family.

Emily Jade gave a touching tribute to him on this mornings breakfast show. Watch below.


Rest In Peace Craney.

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